What to expect

You may have already received your first appointment letter which will include a time and a location for your first visit to one of our services. At this meeting we will discuss what you might need from us or other organisations.

This site is designed to help you understand a little better what to expect from our services. Remember, we’re here to help you and the people that support you.

We have services based across the county. Wherever you go the reception staff will be there to welcome you and answer any initial queries.

While you are waiting there are magazines to read and in some sites refreshments through a vending machine. We are also working to increase the free wifi coverage in the reception areas. There is also useful information to pick up which you can keep in your pack for future reference.

Don’t forget to complete a Having Your Say form, as we welcome your views about the services you receive. Your feedback is important to us ad will help other people using our services.

Our clinicians and staff are there to work with you to help support you, and answer any questions you might have You may want to think of any questions before your visit.

Remember: please don’t hesitate to ask questions.